The Brain Executive Program has gotten so much positive feedback from adults that we are launching an online course designed specifically for parents, caregivers, teachers, and anyone else who wants to learn about sensory processing!

This course will bring you all of the Brain Executive Sensory Sharp knowledge in a format that is affordable, engaging, easy to use, and readily put to work in everyday life to help your child(ren) or the kids that you work with or care for.

Get access to over 6 hours of recorded audio/video AND a private online group where you can ask Katie questions and connect with other participants.

For a limited time, get a monthly subscription for only $20!!!



Use code LAUNCH at checkout.

Brain Executive Sensory Course
Every month
Every year

As a pediatric occupational therapist, Kathryn has worked with kids of all ages, their families, and their teams to share an understanding of the complexities and applications of sensory processing and integration. Her work as a classroom teacher prior to transitioning to the field of occupational therapy lends her a unique ability to translate this complex science into functional language for both kids and adults.

If you are a parent, caregiver, teacher, therapist, interventionist, coach, or any other person who wants to understand a child’s sensory patterns and how to support these patterns in a way that maximizes engagement, success, and joy, this course was written for you.

Watch the course Introuction to learn more!