Have you thought about how your child’s sensory patterns may need support during an evacuation?

Use the Sensory Safe Evacuation Planner to think about how your child’s sensory needs will be affected during an evacuation, and to plan for keeping them safe and secure until you can get back home.

Sensory Safe Evacuation Planner
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Sensory Safe Evacuation Planner
Pay $5 If You Can or Use Button Below to Download for Free

This resource is offered at no charge because safety is a human right that should not come with barriers. That being said, it takes a significant amount of resources to develop and share the Sensory Safe Evacuation Planner and to educate others on its use and importance.

If you are able to pay for this resource, please pay what you can – your contribution will help to share this planner with others that cannot afford it. If you are not able to pay for this resource, please use the lower button to download for free.

If you would like to contribute more than $5, you can add multiple planners to your cart at checkout.

THANK YOU for helping to keep every family safe.

Find more resources and read Katie’s articles about the Sensory Safe Evacuation Planner

Learn how to use the Sensory Safe Evacuation Planner.

Adult Sensory Safe Evacuation Planner
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Adult Sensory Safe Evacuation Planner
Pay $5 If You Can or Use the Button Below to Download for Free
My Sensory Safe Evacuation Planner - Kid's Edition
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My Sensory Safe Evacuation Planner - Kid's Edition
Pay $5 If You Can or Use the Button Below to Download for Free

Have a question? Contact Katie at Kathryn@BrainExecutiveProgram.com


The information presented in this resource is meant as a source of information for the consumer, to help generate ideas and plan for a safe hurricane evacuation. It is not meant as a substitute for direct, expert support or therapeutic intervention. The content is not intended to replace professional care, advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please seek the direct support of a clinician, as necessary. In addition, the consumer is responsible for determining what strategies are appropriate to use and how to implement them safely.